Okay, to the snarky commenter below (smiley face) - I do have something else to write about now, which is that I think I might have broken my foot! Have to wait twenty minutes or so to call the orthopedist, whom I would much rather see than the St. Vincent's Emergency Room staff. I hate emergency rooms. If they're not horrifying they're boring and almost always entail a l-o-n-g and disturbing wait. Blech.
Photo above from Neil's injury last summer, for which he still does daily physical therapy. This is one of the rare times I'd like to be accused of exaggerating and have this accusation prove correct. For many reasons of course, not the least of which is that we've just booked a trip to Paris and Florence for a month from now. Having visited Paris a few years ago with a freshly sprained ankle, I know that this is still doable, but come on ... really?! Hopefully this is another sprain -- these spindly little colt ankles of mine twist very easily -- but either way it hurts like a mofo. And please don't ask me how I might have done this -- it's completely unglamorous and I have a rep to protect.
Bollocks. This sucks.