I don't get sick often -- as in colds, flu, that sort of thing. This week I came down with a full-on cold, the week before the largest event for which I have ever been single-handedly responsible. That would be Neil's surprise 50th -- I can say this, because my darling luddite has no idea how to find this blahhhggg.
As such, I have made a full-time job out of trying to get well, using every remedy that's ever been suggested to me. These include but are not limited to:
-Going to the doctor to learn that they have not yet found a cure for the common cold
-Chicken soup
-Hot and sour soup
-Ginger tea with cayenne and lemon juice
-Regular tea with honey and lemon
-Gypsy Cold Cure(tm) tea, by the potful
-Dandelion tea, also by the potful*
-Vitamin C
-This homepathic sugary substance one ingests sublinguallly
-So much garlic it's absurd
-A neti pot (I know, but you get used to it)
-Something called Wellness Formula, in which I have high hopes
-Tons of water (with lemon, of course)
-Skipping exercise
The end result? There is still no cure for the common cold.
That said, God willing, Saturday will be wonderful and Neil will be happy.
*full disclosure -- this is more for slimming purposes, to eliminate the water that all these remedies make one retain. It works!