It feels like ages since I've written anything here, as well it should. Apologies for the long delay, just when I'd actually started telling people about this and have gotten nice feedback. Merci.
I'm in a transition stage right now, and transitions are hard. Somewhere on one of my bookshelves is the title Transitions, likely nestled among its self-help brethren, most of which had been recommended or gifted to me by someone I trusted, and nearly all of which I have barely thumbed through. Or I've read enough to get the gist, kept the book(s) on my nightstand with a few half-abandoned novels and journals, wiped off the dust and found them homes on my shelves. Realizing that changing our reality, to any degree, is universally challenging makes it perhaps a bit easier to navigate. It's like quitting smoking - knowing it's going to be difficult, accepting this, and deciding to move forward anyway is half the battle.
I'm in the process of shedding my old skin, as it were. And becoming something better, calmer, more centered and productive. And that's exciting. I used to shy away from verbalizing my inherent optimism. My fear was that if I assumed the best, some higher, not-very-nice power would prove me wrong, for its own amusement and to teach me a disappointing lesson. It has taken me a while, but I have come to realize that there is no such higher power, that any higher power that does exist is on our side. Our job is to be open to it. It may sound trite or corny, but I believe in this. The times that I have been open to whatever you want to call it, God, a higher power, the universe, the messages have come through loud and clear and have energized me. Coincidences and serendipity abound during those times. We meet the right people -- or maybe the right people find us. And everything positive in my world has come to me through people I know.
I will write more soon. And perhaps it will be about more tangible things, like my favorite new eye cream and my upcoming vacation. Perhaps not.
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