My Neily's in Norway now, and I miss him so. He's only been away since yesterday around 2:15 ... and I will be seeing him in less than a week. But his absence reinforces how much I love him, and he loves me, and what a lucky girl I am.
The 24th Street Rabbit has come up in conversation at least twice within the past week, so I suppose it's time I indulge him with a modicum of the notice that he craves. This rabbit-fellow frequents the patch of sidewalk across the street from us, in front of what I think is the Gagosian Gallery. As best I can ascertain, it seems his purpose is to protest the Chelsea art scene. His means are not effective. He wears a poster board every day -- actually they do; there are two -- with a vague and poorly worded message, a non sequitur, intended as a thought-provoking barb against the art world. The main one, the one that I saw first and see most often, asks "Are you kidding me?" on the front. On the back, this: "How come the best galleries are like a rope that is thrown to a drifter after he arrives on shore?" The thing is -- I kind of know what he's asking. Then the one that just gets my goat: on the front, "Stupidity makes me violent," which flows neatly into the posterior statement, "Now I'm furious."
Oh, you.
I once saw him sans rabbit hat, avec balding head, glasses, and cellphone into which he was arguing.
This is him:
I love how little attention he gets. Everyone going about their business.
Pay no attention to the man in the bunny suit.
We are not a rabbit, we are bunnys. Get it right next time or we sue, class action style, an then we'll see who is sitting pretty with the birdseye view.
PS: We don't like the term bald, we prefer hairing impaired.
Is there anywhere else in the world that a man wearing a rabbit suit walking around with a sandwich board saying ANYTHING could be totally ignored?? LOL! Too funny. Good thing he's not in Texas. He'd be rabbit stew by now. ;o)
One day I saw a man walking by the Plaza Hotel walking a peacock and holding a monkey. That's why NYC is the melting pot - give us your tired, your poor, your men walking peacocks and wearing bunny suits....
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