In keeping with the Spanish theme (my parents are in Madrid as I type), we had some folks over for paella and sangria last Saturday. Neil's paella is the stuff of legends. It was a refreshingly small group this time, and was a Happy New Phase party for Cheech as well as an impromptu birthday party for Melissa:

Other guests included Louie's auntie Kristine:

And Ivy:

And of course Cheech and Alex, neither of whom let me photograph them. Elusive creatures, the men-folk.
The chef in his domain:

Me, helping:

The pièce de résistance:

A good time was had by all, including Louie who realized a love for stolen tapas. You can hardly blame the guy, what with the coffee table being at snout level:

Lots more to say, but I have some work to do on a project I will mention later.
Adios, amigos.
I can still taste that paella...
such super yummification.
I had a really nice time. Was a nice change from my usual nights of Scrabble and Dave Letterman... ;-)
We may have to slip Neil a mickey in order to get THE dessert recipe out of him & on paper for more of the world to enjoy...
RIDICULOUSLY talented chef, what!
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