Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Bang a Gong

At long last ... I've posted some of my photos and can put this trip behind me, where it belongs. There were some beautiful moments (scenery-wise, there were no non-beautiful moments), and some regrettable ones. I seem to be in the midst of one of these phases during which too many things are not quite right. I'd like to believe that we're only presented with what we can handle, but it can certainly be overwhelming.

One of my favorite expressions is the allegedly Chinese proverb:
It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.

I agree, to the point that I've been called Pollyanna (I realize some of you will find that absurd).This has been an extraordinarily challenging 2008 thus far -- somewhat for me and very much for too many of the people in my life. I have several friends going through what might be their most difficult times yet, and I have been doing my best to be supportive. But I am human, and sometimes I don't have the emotional energy to expend on everything and everyone who deserves it -- and still have enough left over for me and my relationship. I got a few pieces of upsetting-but-fixable news early one morning during our trip, and Moab was an odd place to be for this. The indescribable beauty and the vastness of it all made me feel at once connected to the world and completely isolated. I tried all day to be cheerful and positive ... and by nightfall it wasn't working. Until I figure out the secret to boundless energy, I can only take on so much.

Today is July 1, exactly six months from New Year's Day in both directions. My half-birthday was Saturday, and I'm told that this is a period of subconscious reflection -- similar to the collective reflection that marks the end of the calendar year. We define our lives with each passing year, each birthday. It's a lot, facing both of those markers at once (not to mention Christmas -- oy vey). So I acknowledge every possible new beginning -- always ready to start over and get it right this time. Today is the mid-point of 2008, a new phase. I plan to use it wisely.

That said, welcome to Moab:

This is a dinosaur footprint, a type they believe is related to (but much smaller then) T Rex.

This is a spot called "Matrimonial Springs" ... it's perfect, clean water that comes with the caveat that once you sip it, you'll have to come back to Moab.



Anonymous said...



Laura said...

You were expecting a little Borscht Belt humor, perhaps?!

"Take my wives, please."

(Moab isn't actually Mormon country, but whatevs)

Anonymous said...

deep as in... being one of the aformentioned (whether you know or no) people that have been having a rough 2008 it was actually a little on the inspiring side. Made me stop and think.

Then I went back to thinking what color underwear the woman that sits across from me is wearing and things went back to normal.


Laura said...

(She's not wearing any ... again.)