Friday, January 27, 2012

Sleep no more...

...or so it seems sometimes.

Random thoughts:

I wish I could get my blahhhhhhg to look like it used to; in experimenting with the settings I lost my old ones.

I'm somewhere between a luddite and a proficient technology user.

I have a love/cringe relationship with social media. My 20th college reunion is this spring, and while it will be really interesting to see everyone in person, what with The Facebook and all, what will we catch up on? "So, how was that new restaurant you went to two weeks ago?" "Wow -- you are quite the Ron Paul supporter!" "Your turn in Scrabble - I played "nexus" last week."

Many years ago I had an interesting one-night with a fella I almost up and drove across the country with the next morning. We maintained a long distance email romance back in the days of dial-up and chat rooms and he wrote me what remains one of the most romantic things ever written to me: "I just want to take your hand and walk you around the world."With all due respect to the brilliant men who've written me romantic verse, this one strikes a particular chord.

This has been a flucked up week but what's done is done. The present is what we have. I have a very difficult time staying in it - the clutter of my mind takes over and doesn't let me.

There are things I wish I could write and publish (the old-fashioned way) but I'm in touch with too many people to be as open as I want to be.

I recognize that this is a shoddy excuse for procrastinating.

I am a far better writer than I am a story teller.

I am a big believer in apologies and a bigger one in forgiveness.

I forgot what I was going to say.

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