Sunday, March 18, 2012


Sweet dreams ... telepathically. I've been having them lately and it's made sleep much more appealing than is often the case. These are the dreams that shout their messages at me. Today I feel maternal. And free.

I'm leaving on a jet plane for la Wednesday. This is my first visit since ... 2009? I believe that was the year. That's not good. This trip will be an expansive one. A two month writing retreat would be a wonderful thing, and LA might not be a terrible place to do it, car notwithstanding. Actually, never mind. Car is too withstanding for that to work.

So where should I go? The Obvious Choices are anything but, though they've followed me around for decades.

I want to fly the ocean in a silver plane and go everywhere I want to go. But first I need to do things here.

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