Saturday, February 27, 2010

Such a lot of world to see

I'm not sure I'm ready to write about Tulum to the extent that this last week deserves. There was so much vastness and newness and strange familiarity - to the specifics of this place and to the sea, which always overwhelms me.

Enough with the thickly veiled procrastination.

The basics: we stayed in a cabana on the beach at a small resort without electricity -- I think I've mentioned this -- on a strip outside of Tulum. Meals, drinks, outdoor showers all along the beach at the various spots -- all rustic and lovely. The weather varied from wet and blustery (relatively speaking) to sunny and beautiful, which it was the majority of the time.

Things I did for the first time this week:
  1. Snorkeled above the reefs.
  2. Seen, in the sea or otherwise, an animal that resembled a vertical hammerhead eel that hovers sideways.
  3. Seen one of these in the wild.
  4. Sunbathed topless.
  5. Woken from a nap to see a scorpion (this, not this, unfortunately) walking by my bed.
  6. Picked up a scorpion with a napkin and thrown it outside a bungalow.
  7. Woken to hear Neil say, "Mother fucker - I just got stung by a scorpion."
  8. Watched iguanas mate - or at least watched them mate other iguanas.
  9. Seen things that look like really fat iguana-Gila monster hybrids either mate or fight, rolling down a hill in the process.
And many more, of course. Unfortunately I only have photos of two of the items above. I'll post one of them, and many more beautiful shots.

In the meantime, how have you been? Tell me stuff.

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